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Soup Song and Swandri Concert

"The Outhouse" in Waikanae, Waikanae

"Soup ,Song and Swandri Concert at "The Outhouse" (our house) in Waikanae on Sunday June 28th. Our guests are Wayne Mason who needs no introduction other than to say he is a kiwi icon and awesome, and Rod Davis poet and story teller extraordinaire who will make you laugh or cry or probably both. We will provide a variety of soups, buns and breads, tea and coffee and we will partake of the eating part prior to to the concert which will start at 1pm. So arrive anytime after 11-30am bring whatever you wish to drink and $25pp. We will have heating going but warm thermal attire will be a jolly good idea, and it will be happening whatever the weather.The concert will be over by 3-30 so you can get back to your nests before dark and we are going to restrict numbers so if you are interested lets know soonish by reply to

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